2022-04-16 18:45:31 -03:00

89 lines
2.0 KiB

[Stop vanilla world music when in a customizable menu.]
B:stopworldmusicwhencustomizable = 'false';
[If menu background sounds added by FancyMenu should be played when a world is loaded.]
B:playbackgroundsoundsinworld = 'false';
B:forcefullscreen = 'false';
[If menu background sounds added by FancyMenu should be played or not.]
B:playbackgroundsounds = 'true';
[A minecraft restart is required after changing this value.]
B:enablehotkeys = 'false';
B:playmenumusic = 'false';
B:showdebugwarnings = 'false';
[Sets the default GUI scale on first launch. Useful for modpacks. Cache data is saved in '/mods/fancymenu/'.]
I:defaultguiscale = '-1';
B:advancedmode = 'false';
B:showcustomizationbuttons = 'false';
S:copyrightposition = 'bottom-centered';
B:hidebranding = 'true';
S:copyrightcolor = '#ffffff';
B:hidelogo = 'true';
B:hiderealmsnotifications = 'true';
S:splashcolor = '#ffff00';
I:splashrotation = '-20';
I:splashy = '0';
I:splashx = '0';
B:hidesplashtext = 'true';
S:splashtextfile = '';
S:splashorientation = 'original';
B:allowgameintroskip = 'true';
S:loadinganimationcolor = '#ffffffff';
B:showanimationloadingstatus = 'true';
S:gameintroanimation = '';
B:preloadanimations = 'false';
S:customgameintroskiptext = '';
[A minecraft restart is required after changing this value.]
S:customwindowtitle = 'BINGus SMP';
[A minecraft restart is required after changing this value.]
B:customwindowicon = 'true';
B:showloadingscreenanimation = 'true';
B:showloadingscreenpercent = 'true';
B:show_server_icons = 'true';
B:show_world_icons = 'true';
I:gridsize = '10';
B:editordeleteconfirmation = 'true';
B:showgrid = 'false';
[If the warning when trying to move an vanilla button without an orientation should be displayed or not.]
B:showvanillamovewarning = 'true';
F:uiscale = '1.0';