update toolkit
This commit is contained in:
@ -2219,5 +2219,238 @@
"conflicts": [],
"review": true,
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/chipped"
"slug": "can-i-mine-this-block",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "cAn i MiNe thIS bLOCk?",
"description": "this mod is for very smart people who need a mod to know if they can mine a block.",
"body": "This mod is for very smart people who need a mod to know if they can mine a block.\n\nAdds a waila tooltip that looks similar to Waila Harvestability, however due to the nature of the fabric mining levels system, this mod is not a fork of Waila Harvestability.\n\n### 1.19.3 - 1.20.1\nThis mod requires **WTHIT** (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wthit) OR **Jade** (https://curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jade), please install it before using this.\n### 1.17 - 1.19.2\nThis mod requires **WTHIT** (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wthit), please install it before using this.\n### 1.16\nThis mod requires **HWYLA** (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hwyla), please install it before using this.\n\n",
"client_side": "required",
"server_side": "required",
"additional_categories": [],
"kind": "required",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/can-i-mine-this-block",
"review": true,
"conflicts": null
"slug": "banhammer",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "BanHammer",
"description": "Simple, customisable punishment utility mod for Fabric",
"body": "\n\n# BanHammer\n\nSimple, customisable punishment utility mod for Fabric. Allows moderators to permanently/temporary ban, mute or kick players.\nSupports [Fabric Permissions API](https://github.com/lucko/fabric-permissions-api) used by LuckPerms and PlayerRoles.\n\nEvery user facing message is configurable with support of [advanced formatting](https://github.com/Patbox/FabricPlaceholderAPI/blob/1.17/TEXT_FORMATTING.md)\n\nIt has build in support for SQLite and MySQL databases.\n## Commands and permissions\n\n| Command | Permission | Description |\n| ------------------ | ------------------------ | --------------------------------- |\n| /banhammer | banhammer.commands.main (default) | Sends information about banhammer |\n| /banhammer reload | banhammer.commands.reload (op 4) | Reloads mods config |\n| /banhammer import \\<source> \\[\\<remove>\\] | banhammer.commands.import (op 4) | Imports bans from other sources (and removes them from it, if remove is set to true)\n| /ban \\<player> \\[\\<reason>] | banhammer.punish.ban (op 3/config) | Bans player |\n| /tempban \\<player> \\<duration> \\[\\<reason>] | banhammer.punish.tempban (op 3/config) | Bans player for provided time |\n| /ban-ip \\<player> \\[\\<reason>] | banhammer.punish.banip (op 3/config) | Bans player (by ip) |\n| /tempban-ip \\<player> \\<duration> \\[\\<reason>] | banhammer.punish.tempbanip (op 3/config) | Bans player (by ip) for provided time |\n| /mute \\<player> \\[\\<reason>] | banhammer.punish.mute (op 3/config) | Mutes player |\n| /tempmute \\<player> \\<duration> \\[\\<reason>] | banhammer.punish.tempmute (op 1) | Mutes player for provided time |\n| /kick \\<player> \\[\\<reason>] | banhammer.punish.kick (op 3/config) | Kicks player from server |\n| /unban \\<player> | banhammer.unpunish.unban (op 3/config) | Removes player's (temp)bans |\n| /unban-ip \\<player> | banhammer.unpunish.unbanip (op 3/config) | Removes player's (temp)ip bans |\n| /unmutes \\<player> | banhammer.unpunish.unmute (op 3/config) | Removes player's (temp)mute |\n| /pardon \\<player> | banhammer.unpunish.pardon (op 3/config) | Removes all of player's punishments |\n\nAdditionally you can add `-s` Before reason, if you want to make that punishment silent.\n\nDuration can be expressed in seconds (`15`/`15s`), minutes (`3m`), hours (`24h`), days (`7d`), years (`1y`)\nor any combination of these (`5y3d9h3m8s`).\n\n## Configuration\n```json5\n{\n \"CONFIG_VERSION_DONT_TOUCH_THIS\": 1,\n \"punishmentsAreSilent\": false, // Makes all punishments silent\n \"storeAllPunishmentsInHistory\": true, // Stores all punishments in additional database table\n \"muteBlockedCommands\": [ // List of commands blocked to muted players\n \"msg\",\n \"me\"\n ],\n \"standardBanPlayersWithBannedIps\": false, // Gives users standard bans, when they are ip banned\n \"autoBansFromIpBansAreSilent\": true, // Makes autobans from ip ban silent\n \"defaultTempPunishmentDurationLimit\": \"-1\",// Sets limit for duration of temporary punishments. -1 = no limit\n \"permissionTempLimit\": { // Allows to change duration limit of punishment with `banhammer.duration.<entry>` permission\n \"example\": \"31d\"\n },\n \"databaseType\": \"sqlite\", // Changes database type (\"sqlite\" or \"mysql\")\n \"sqliteDatabaseLocation\": \"banhammer-sqlite.db\", // sqlite databases location (from server's directory)\n \"mysqlDatabaseAddress\": \"\", // Address of mysql database\n \"mysqlDatabaseName\": \"\", // Name of mysql database\n \"mysqlDatabaseUsername\": \"\", // Username of mysql user\n \"mysqlDatabasePassword\": \"\" // Password of mysql user\n}\n```",
"client_side": "unsupported",
"server_side": "required",
"additional_categories": [],
"kind": "serverside",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/banhammer",
"review": true,
"conflicts": null
"slug": "blur-fabric",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "Blur (Fabric)",
"description": "Adds a blur effect to all GUI backgrounds - now for Fabric!",
"body": "<center><p style=\"text-align: center;\"> <img src=\"https://i.ibb.co/GM4HVDC/PoBrnNM.png\" width=\"708\" height=\"204\" /></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> Ever thought that the world behind your inventory was just too distracting? Then this is the mod for you!</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><em><img src=\"https://i.imgur.com/PurJ43u.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"673\" height=\"379\" /></em></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><em>Blur</em> adds a Gaussian blur shader to the background of all GUIs, which fades into give it a sleek look. It is also highly configurable, so you can tune the look of the mod to your liking. <a href=\"https://www.curseforge.com/linkout?remoteUrl=https%253a%252f%252fi.imgur.com%252fEmSEKFu.gif\" rel=\"nofollow\">Click here for a massive gif demonstration!</a></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>NOTE: This is the <a href=\"https://www.curseforge.com/linkout?remoteUrl=https%253a%252f%252ffabricmc.net%252fuse%252f\" rel=\"nofollow\">Fabric</a> version of Blur, for the Forge version, look <a href=\"https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/blur\">here</a>.</strong></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">You can configure the strength of the blur in the config file with the \"radius\" option.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Here is a demonstration of a few different radii:</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img src=\"https://i.imgur.com/UCCvVqD.gif\" alt=\"\" width=\"1529\" height=\"827\" /></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Change the background colors and gradient!</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img src=\"https://i.imgur.com/xpn94KZ.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"673\" height=\"379\" /></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img src=\"https://i.imgur.com/DoA3Rme.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"673\" height=\"379\" /></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Get lost in your GUIs!</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img src=\"https://i.imgur.com/8yBf97c.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"673\" height=\"379\" /></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Gorgeous rainy evening with you and your blur:</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img src=\"https://i.imgur.com/U5Cx2Lk.gif\" alt=\"\" width=\"673\" height=\"379\" /></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><del>Works with shaders!</del> <strong>Currently doesn't work with Optifine shaders due to an issue with Satin - consider using <a href=\"https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/canvas-renderer\">Canvas</a> instead.</strong></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img src=\"https://i.imgur.com/hgGbuhQ.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"673\" height=\"356\" /></p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Explanation of Config Settings<br /><br /></p>\n<ul>\n<li style=\"text-align: center;\">radius\n<ul>\n<li>As explained above, this controls how \"strong\" the blur is. If you are experiencing performance problems, lower this.</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li style=\"text-align: center;\">fadeTime\n<ul>\n<li>This is the time it takes for the blur to \"fade in\", in milliseconds.</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li style=\"text-align: center;\">gradientStart/EndColor\n<ul>\n<li>The colors to use for the overlay on all GUI backgrounds. The value here is a hexadecimal color value, in the format ARGB (alpha first, then rgb). Because the background is a gradient, two colors can be specified. The default is black with a 45% alpha value (75000000).</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li style=\"text-align: center;\">guiExclusions</li>\n</ul>\n<p>A list of classes to be excluded from the blur shader. This is to be used for GUIs which do not necessarily cover the screen. It defaults to containing only one GUI, the chat.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><img src=\"https://i.ibb.co/1L8tyJC/blacklivesmatter.png\" alt=\"https://blacklivesmatter.com/\" width=\"1400\" height=\"192\" /></p>",
"client_side": "required",
"server_side": "unsupported",
"additional_categories": [],
"gallery": [],
"kind": "clientside",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/blur-fabric",
"review": true,
"conflicts": null
"slug": "caracal_mob",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "Caracal mob",
"description": "This mod adds caracals to your world!",
"body": "This mod adds caracals to your world! They like to hunt chickens and rabbits and you can tame them with raw fish or chicken/rabbit meat.\n\nAlso they spawns naturally in the savanna and have cute sounds!\n\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/HTh-l2GupS8\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\n<a href=\"https://github.com/AquUpd/CaracalMob/wiki/Nametags\">All nametags list </a>\n\n<h4>Model made by u/SociopathyKathy:<br>\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/kh6cm7/i_got_bored_and_decided_to_make_a_caracal/</h4>\n",
"client_side": "required",
"server_side": "required",
"additional_categories": [],
"kind": "required",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/caracal_mob",
"review": true,
"conflicts": null
"slug": "companion",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "Companion 🐕",
"description": "Mechanics to avoid losing your pets, but do not break the vanilla feel",
"body": "# Companion 🐕\n\nThis mod adds various mechanics to avoid losing your pets, to enhance game experience.\n\n### Features:\n\n - Pets will follow you when you teleport or enter a portal\n - Your leashed mobs will follow you when you enter a portal\n - Pets will be forced to teleport to you if it is about to be unloaded\n - Pets won't attack enemies if their health is lower than 20%\n - Pets will teleport to your back if their health is lower than 20%\n - Pets won't enter a portal unless it is close to you\n - Parrots won't dismount from your shoulder when you are floating on the water\n - Parrots won't dismount from your shoulder unless you jump in place\n - Sweeping Edge effect won't hurt your pets\n - Pet friendly fire game rule\n\nAll these features can be disabled and configured if you have installed [Kiwi](https://modrinth.com/mod/kiwi). Besides, in-game config UI is provided if you have installed [Cloth Config](https://modrinth.com/mod/cloth-config)",
"client_side": "optional",
"server_side": "required",
"gallery": [],
"kind": "client-optional",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/companion",
"review": true,
"conflicts": null
"slug": "deathlog",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "DeathLog",
"description": "Keeps track of the many embarrassing times you died",
"body": "# DeathLog\n\n\nDeathLog tracks your deaths in all worlds and servers. It does this completely client-side and records important metadata like coordinates, dimension and even your entire inventory. Since version 0.2.0 onward however, DeathLog can also operate server-side and track all deaths of all players on that server, with native functionality for restoring a death snapshot. DeathLog can be used on both sides without being required on the other, however managing the server's database is significantly easier with a DeathLog-enabled client.\n\n\n⠀\n\n\n**PSA**: Version 0.2.0 onwards uses a different database format that is not backwards-compatible. You will have to either delete or rename your old deaths.dat file in order for DeathLog to work again. \n\n***\nYou can access your log from the vanilla *Statistics* screen. This is a global list, but by default will be filtered to only include deaths from the world or server you're currently in.\n***\nThe search bar accounts for\n- Item Names\n- Coordinates\n- World or Server Names\n- Death Messages\n- ...\n\nYou can get your lost items back while in creative mode by simply clicking on them with your mouse wheel. Should you not have access to creative mode, it will copy an appropriate `/give` command",
"client_side": "optional",
"server_side": "optional",
"additional_categories": [],
"gallery": [],
"kind": "optional",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/deathlog",
"review": false,
"conflicts": null
"slug": "sound-physics-remastered",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "Sound Physics Remastered",
"description": "A Minecraft mod that provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks.",
"body": "# Sound Physics Remastered\n\n> This is a fork of [Sound Physics Fabric](https://github.com/vlad2305m/Sound-Physics-Fabric) by [vlad2305m](https://github.com/vlad2305m) which is a fork of [Sound Physics](https://github.com/sonicether/Sound-Physics) by [Sonic Ether](https://github.com/sonicether).\n\nA Minecraft mod that provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks.\n\nOptimized for the use with [Simple Voice Chat](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simple-voice-chat) 2.X.X.\n\n\n### Requirements\nThis mod does not require any dependencies, but it is recommended to use the following:\n\n**Fabric**\n\n- [ModMenu](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/modmenu)\n- [ClothConfig](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cloth-config)\n\n**Forge**\n\n- [ClothConfig](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cloth-config-forge)\n\n---\n\n### Changes to the Original Mod\n\n**Improvements**\n\n- Improved sound processing performance by a factor of 10\n- Optimized for [Simple Voice Chat](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simple-voice-chat)\n- Ported the mod to Forge\n- Improved configuration UI\n- Made Cloth Config optional\n- Tweaked default config values\n- Added reflectivity to the config GUI\n- Added occlusion variation\n- Added block occlusion factor config\n- Added debug sound bounce rendering\n- Added debug sound occlusion rendering\n\n**Bugfixes**\n\n- Fixed sounds not bouncing more than once\n- Fixed sound bouncing using an excessive amount of performance, despite not working at all\n- Fixed direction evaluation not taking sound source and primary bounces into account\n- Fixed sound allowance not working for `/playsound` command\n- Fixed unmapped field names in the reflectivity config\n- Fixed sound processing using player position instead of camera position",
"client_side": "required",
"server_side": "optional",
"additional_categories": [],
"gallery": [],
"kind": "server-optional",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/sound-physics-remastered",
"review": true,
"conflicts": null
"slug": "polaroidcamera",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "Polaroid Camera ",
"description": "A mod that adds a camera that allows players to take pictures and put them on maps. ",
"body": "# Polaroid Camera\n\nA mod for Minecraft that adds a camera that takes pictures and puts them on maps. \n\n[](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3Xqu_grFm0)\n\nCamera crafting recipe:\n\n\n\nYou can take zoom in and out and adjust the angle of the camera using the mouse scroll wheel and the WASD keys respectively.\n\nYou can take a picture by pressing C when using the camera. If you have an empty map in your inventory, then your photo will be copied onto the map.\n\n\n\nCredits:\n\nImage2Map: https://github.com/TheEssem/Image2Map\n\nhannah wavelyte (camera texture): https://twitter.com/hannahwavelyte",
"client_side": "required",
"server_side": "required",
"additional_categories": [],
"gallery": [],
"kind": "required",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/polaroidcamera",
"review": true,
"conflicts": null
"slug": "presence-footsteps",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "Presence Footsteps",
"description": "..An Overly complicated Sound Mod...",
"body": "_..An Overly complicated Sound Mod..._\n\n---\n\nThis is the continuation of Huricaaan (Ha3)'s original mod, maintained and updated to the latest version of Minecraft. All previous features have been restored and some new ones added, with new development promised for the future on the opensource github profile!\n\n---\n\nExpect to see a more rich and immersive Minecraft world, one where Presence Footsteps adds new and more dynamic sounds for every block the player walks on. Every block has its own material assigned to it, and can make their own, customized sounds to better match what they're made of.\n\n---\n\n- Wooden chests are creaky and old,\n- stone is dusty and rough.\n- Piston heads sound like wood, whilst their bodies are stone,\n- even cake sounds like you might destroy if you step in the frosting!\n- Tall grass and bristles make a dry, rustling sound as you step through them,\n- Magma sounds like it's literally cooking your souls!\n\n---\n\nNot only that, but the latest version includes step sounds for certain non-block entities:\n\n---\n\nShulkers make the same creaky box noises as Shulker boxes, boats sound like wood, and armour stands creak and produce a stone stepping sound as you walk on their stone slab base.\n\n ---\n\nPresence Footsteps is also [**fully customisable**](https://github.com/Sollace/Presence-Footsteps/wiki/Information-for-Resourcepack-Creators) using resourcepacks! Modders and users can assign their own materials, sounds, and stance to blocks and entities.",
"client_side": "required",
"server_side": "unsupported",
"additional_categories": [],
"kind": "clientside",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/presence-footsteps",
"review": true,
"conflicts": null
"slug": "renameit",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "RenameIt",
"description": "📝 Little Fabric mod that allows you to edit item/block name, lore and color.",
"body": "\n\n# RenameIt \n \n## Introduction \n \nThis mod can be used only on server or client, it provides commands for changing item/block name, lore or color value. \nIt also supports [PlaceholderAPI](https://placeholders.pb4.eu/)\nby [Patbox](https://github.com/Patbox). \n \n#### Be sure to install [Fabric API](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabric-api)\n\n## Commands\n\nAll commands are provided below, be sure to hold item that you want to edit in your main hand.\n\n| Command | Description | Permission |\n|:-------------------------------------|:-------------------------------|:--------------------:|\n| **/renameit** OR **/ri** | Base command | X |\n| /ri name _\\<name>_ | Changes name of the item | renameit.name |\n| /ri color _\\<integer>_ | Changes color of the dyed item | renameit.color |\n| /ri lore | Base lore command | renameit.lore |\n| /ri lore add _\\<text>_ | Adds new lore line | renameit.lore.add |\n| /ri lore set _\\<position>_ _\\<text>_ | Changes existing lore line | renameit.lore.set |\n| /ri lore delete _\\<position>_ | Removes existing lore line | renameit.lore.delete |",
"client_side": "optional",
"server_side": "optional",
"additional_categories": [],
"gallery": [],
"kind": "optional",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/renameit",
"review": true,
"conflicts": null
"slug": "tax-free-levels",
"project_type": "mod",
"title": "Tax Free Levels",
"description": "Flattens the ever-increasing anvil and enchantment costs and makes renaming items always cost 1 level",
"body": "Reaching high levels in Minecraft is hard, because each level requires more XP than the last. \n<br>\nSince Anvils and Enchantment Tables work off of levels, not off of collected XP, that means the higher your level, the higher the actual cost in terms of XP. \n<br>\nTax Free Levels \"flattens the curve\" of the ever-increasing anvil and enchantment costs above level 30, meaning you'll always pay the same amount of XP, regardless of how high your level is. \nIt also makes it so that renaming an item always only costs 1 level. \n<br>\nMore precisely: \nIf you are above level 30, instead of e.g. paying 3 levels, you pay the amount of XP needed to get from level 27 to 30. \nIf the level cost is above 30, you pay the amount of XP needed to get from 0 to that level.\n\n* for Fabric Minecraft 1.16-1.20\n* required on the server and client\n* (it *does* work server-only, but the level cost won't show up correctly when renaming items)\n* compatible with Draylar1's [Reroll](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/reroll)\n* compatible with [Enchanting Overhauled](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/enchanting-overhauled)\n* compatible with [Enchanting Infuser](https://modrinth.com/mod/enchanting-infuser)\n* compatible with [Charm](https://modrinth.com/mod/charm) / Charm Reforged's Grindstone enchantment extraction\n* compatible with [Spectrum](https://modrinth.com/mod/spectrum)'s Bedrock Anvil\n* compatible with [Waystones](https://modrinth.com/mod/waystones) (currently only for Forge. [Fabric Waystones](https://modrinth.com/mod/fwaystones) is a good alternative which can set fixed XP cost)\n* **incompatible** with [Balanced Enchanting](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/balanced-enchanting) (the mod does effectively the same thing as this mod, minus all the compatibility stuff, choose one or the other)\n\n### Comparison\n\nSay you've just slain the Ender Dragon for the first time and reached level 68. \nIn Vanilla, you can level 3 enchant a total of 13 items. \nWith Tax Free Levels, this changes to 35 items, your Ender Dragon kill actually counts for something! \n<br>\nSay again, you reached level 68 and want to apply another enchantment on your pick which has a very high repair cost and it'd cost 35 levels. \nIn Vanilla, you pay 10220 XP (the XP needed to get from level 33 to 68). \nWith Tax Free Levels, you pay 2045 XP (the XP needed to get from level 0 to 35). \n\nYou'd normally lose 8000 of your 12000 XP dragon reward here and there!\n\n### No Small Tax\n\nOne small tidbit about vanilla Minecraft is that paying levels doesn't actually touch the percental experience progress. \nSince higher levels are worth more XP, this means you actually not only pay levels but also a small amount of XP. \nTax Free Levels gets rid of this tax as well, even at lower player levels.\n\n### Attribution\nThis is meant as a partial replacement for user11681's limitless, specifically the \"level normalization\". No code was taken, only the idea.",
"client_side": "required",
"server_side": "required",
"additional_categories": [],
"gallery": [],
"kind": "required",
"link": "https://modrinth.com/mod/tax-free-levels",
"review": true,
"conflicts": null
@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ export def "listMods" [] {
export def "removeMods" [...slugs: string] {
let deleted = open all.json | where slug in $slugs | select slug title description kind link
open all.json |
where slug not-in $slugs |
save all.json -f
open all.json | where slug in $slugs | select slug title description kind link
export def "searchMods" [term: string] {
@ -26,15 +27,30 @@ export def "showMods" [...slugs: string] {
open all.json | where slug in $slugs | select slug title description kind link
export def "addMods" [...slugs: string] {
export def "diffInstalled" [] {
let installed = ls ../mods | get name | parse ../mods/{slug}.pw.toml | get slug
open all.json | insert installed { |row| $row.slug in $installed } | where not installed | select slug kind review installed
export def "addMods" [...slugs: string, --review: bool = false] {
let newMods = (
$slugs |
each { getMod } |
insert review $review |
insert conflicts null
open all.json |
append ($slugs | each { getMod }) |
append $newMods |
uniq-by slug |
save all.json -f
open all.json | where slug in $slugs | select slug title description kind link
open all.json | where slug in $slugs | select slug description kind review link
export def "updateMods" [] {
@ -119,8 +135,6 @@ export def getMods [] {
insert kind {
kindOf client_side, server_side
} |
insert conflicts [] |
insert review false |
insert link {|row|
@ -137,8 +151,6 @@ export def getMod [] {
insert kind {
kindOf client_side, server_side
} |
insert conflicts [] |
insert review false |
insert link {|row|
Reference in New Issue
Block a user